IMG_1415I’m sitting in the Portland airport waiting for my flight to California today. Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at an event for family and professional caregivers sponsored by The Kensington, a gorgeous new assisted living/memory care facility.

As I look at all of the people in the airport and think about the individuals who will be attending the event tomorrow, I am struck by the fact that as much as we may all have in common as living, breathing human beings, each person is on his/her own unique path.

If you follow my blog, there’s a pretty good chance you’re a caregiver. You probably know where your path is taking you today. Your destination tomorrow, next week, and next year may not be as clear. So today, do what you can to make your care receiver as comfortable as possible. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself, and remember that what you see ahead of you right now is only a portion of the path. It isn’t the entire journey.