Elaine’s Speaking Schedule

Dementia: A Different Reality
May 12 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

I will be presenting a virtual two-hour keynote, “Dementia: A Different Reality”  on Wednesday, May 12th at 10:00 am PDT. The program is sponsored by the Western Arizona Council of Governments. I will be speaking about:

Triggers: Recognizing the factors that contribute to agitation and other challenging behaviors
Sundowning and Sleep Disturbances: Strategies for reducing frustration, confusion, and anxiety that escalate late in the day• Surprising and inappropriate dementia related sexual behavior

The event will be hosted on Zoom. It is free and open to family caregivers. REGISTER by May 10, 2021 to receive an invitation

Call: 928-377-4694

Email: Catt@Wacog.com
